Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dahler Family Photo's

Sunday, we went up to Shelley and Dave's so Icould get a family photo of them for their Christmas cards. Not an easy task. It was so funny to try to get 4 kids to pay attention to me and smile all at the same time! We got a few good ones out of the 158 photo's I took. Not all of them were of them of course.

It was so good to see them after over 4 months of being apart. The baby is huge and doing so much fun stuff. The boys were so excited to play with the kids. I don't know how Shelley keeps her head on straight trying to keep track of all those kids and their house. It makes my head spin to just think about it.

After the photo fun and a yummy dinner that Dave made, it was time to say good-bye. Kannon and Magnum didn't want to leave and it was hard getting them to clean up. On the way home, Kannon asked if we could bring Christian home with us the next time we went up there. So cute!

Steamer Trucks

We were driving down the road the other day and Magnum asked me if there was a steamer truck in front of us. I couldn't figure out what he was talking about, so I said no. Kannon chimed in with a "yes it is!" There was an eighteen-wheeler a couple of cars in front of us and I asked if that's what they were talking about. They said it was and when I asked why they called it a steamer truck they said because they go "ttssshhhhhhhh!" It's so funny how their little minds work.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The wrong word

Yesterday the boys had preschool and afterwards I asked Heather and Caroline to go to lunch with us and get pizza. The kids were really good and Caroline wanted "the boys" to come back to her house and play for a little while. Of course I said yes. That means time for Heather and I to chat and relax for a few because the kids usually get along really well. We stayed for about an hour and as I was putting the boys shoes on the funniest thing happened.

Let me first put a disclaimer on this. I am totally not making this up and I hope it does not offend anyone it is honestly just a word he can't say. With that being said...

Kannon came over and I asked him to get his shoes for me and he said, " I'm being nigorent." Heather and I both BURST OUT INTO LAUGHTER!!! He was trying to say ignorant but can't say it right. He didn't know why we were laughing, but to hear a kid say anything that is remotely wrong is always funny. Of course the laughter made him keep repeating it and Heather and I could not stop laughing. Then Caroline and Magnum started chiming in saying the same thing.

Later that night I told Jon what he said and we kept trying to get him to say it correctly, but he just doesn't get it. That's one we'll have to keep practicing for sure. He's all proud because he finally figured out how to say Gatorade and not Gatalade. This will be our new "word project".

I thank God for the innocence of children and the comedy that they bring us.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Jon told the boys that if they were good yesterday that we would take them somewhere special when he got back from helping his parents work in their yard. That some place special ended up being a g0-kart track in Hanover. Of course, leave it to me to forget my camera! Sorry.

Anyway, the boys got to drive these little electric cars that were really cute. They loved it, even though they aren't as fast as the four wheeler. Then they decided to do the bungee jumping thing. They tethered them to bungee cords and there was a air filled trampoline type thing under them and they could jump pretty high. We tried to get them to do flips, but they weren't that confident.

We were off to the big cars next. The boys had to ride with us, but they thought it was funny when Jon and I would pass each other. The second time we rode, it was getting late and Magnum started falling asleep on me. We also rode the bumper boats. I think that was their favorite thing. Kannon and I ended up soaked and somehow Jon and Magnum stayed high and dry. They must have cheated in some way.

Today is going to be more fun. The boys are headed to a cook out at the in-laws and I'm going to a bachelorette party for Jordan!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Ok, I have really been slacking at the whole Blog thing over the summer and I apologize for that. We have had a wonderful time with the boys sports clinic and play dates and going to Greenbrier state park with the girls. I can't believe how fast it has gone.

So, our exciting news now is that the boys had their first day of preschool on Tuesday. We went to orientation the week before and the boys met their teacher and got familiar with the room while the parents got drop off and pick up instructions.

Tuesday morning, I was really nervous about the whole drop off situation. The parents do not go inside at all. The teachers and assistants come out to your car and take the kids directly in. My heart was sinking as we pulled up to the door because I knew if the boys cried that I would be crying right there with them. Thankfully, I had hyped up the day so much that when they came out to get them, the boys were actually excited to go in. Kannon seemed a little hesitant at first, but walked right in.

I called Heather to see if she could keep me busy while they were in school the first day because I wasn't sure how I was going to be once they left. They've grown up so fast and if I thought about the fact that they were actually in preschool...I might just cry for two and a half hours. Heather, the great friend that she is, met me at Panera for coffee and then we walked around Old Navy for a little while. I was totally fine the whole time.

Then we went to pick up the kids. Kannon and Magnum were so excited to tell me about playing on the slide and marble painting. They even had special badges for the first day of school. We met Heather and Caroline for lunch since it was a special day and then headed home.

Now, we'll see how they do next week!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In Loving Memory of Rose

Death is something that I have had to deal with a lot in my family. As a child I had my grandfather on my father's side pass when I was very young. Then my grandmother on my mom's side. There were numerous great aunts and uncles that have passed. In more recent years, I have lost a cousin that I was very close too who died in his sleep. An uncle that died of brain cancer, an aunt that died of a heart attack and an uncle who died that had serious heart problems and very weak lungs. It's never something that is easy to deal with, but there is a great peace in knowing that your loved one has gone on to be with the Lord.

Last Wednesday, we lost my husband's grandmother. She had been in bad shape for a while and we knew it was just a matter of time. She was a wonderful woman who loved her grandsons and great grandsons more than we will know. As a young girl in middle school and high school, I remember Grandma Rose being at Jon and Justin's football games. I know this because my brother played football with them. She would do and did do whatever those boys wanted.

After Jon and I had the boys, they were the light of her life. She was in a nursing home at that point due to a stroke that paralyzed her left side. That didn't stop her from holding them or getting onto them when they got a little too wound up while we were visiting. She always was a feisty little thing. She had pictures of the kids all over the walls in her room and when we went to visit the nurses knew who they were and all about them.

I am saddened at the thought that she will not be around to meet the newest member of the family who is due in May. I know that she would be happy to finally have a little girl in the family although she used to say that she wouldn't know what to do with a girl.

Trying to explain death to a two and three year old can be a little tricky. I think they do pretty well understanding it for their age. I told them that she was in heaven with Jesus and that she doesn't have to lay in a bed anymore. I explained that she has a new body and can walk and run and do whatever she wants without being in pain. They were still confused that we didn't actually "see" Great Brum Brum Rosie while we were in Pittsburgh, but once you would explain that she was with Jesus they would talk about her being able to walk and run. They would even randomly tell people that she was with Jesus and could walk now. They will understand more when they get older, but I think that's good enough for now.

I am so glad that the boys had a chance to know their great grandmother and hope that they are old enough to keep some memories of her as they get older.

Gammy, we miss you, but know that you are in a much better place. We'll see you when the Father calls us home.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Busy Weekend

I am so excited about this weekend! It's Mindy's baby shower and I hope she gets all the good stuff that they need for girlfriend to come into this world. I can't believe she is due to come into this world in 6 weeks! I pray that they go fast, but I know they never do. This will be the longest six weeks of Mindy's life. I am so excited to meet this little girl and my heart flutters everything I think about having a niece. I'm going to have a little person to love and spoil the way Mindy and Justin love and spoil my boys.

There are lots of people coming in for the shower so it should be a fun weekend. Uncle Mike and Aunt Joyce are coming in from GA along with Aunt Nancy, Aunt Jane and Grandma Audrey from Pittsburgh. Plus, Mindy's girlfriends from Philly will be in and I haven't seen them since before my kids were born. I seriously think it has been since Mindy's wedding. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone.

Pictures will be posted sometime next week!